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Exported Roster Entry Files

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Selected Worked roster entries are exported using the Export roster files option in the Process Roster command.

Exported files:



Exported File Name

File Format


Roster Entries


CSV (Comma Separated Values).

The file format and can be customised using the Roster Options command.

One row per roster entry. The RosterEntries file will typically be used for importing payroll data into an external Payroll application. The payroll application will assign regional and industry taxes and adjustments using personnel, occupation and roster entry information from this file.

Roster Personnel Summary


CSV (Comma Separated Values).

The file format and can be customised using the Roster Options command.

One row per person summarising hours worked, date period and payments.

Client Statement


Microsoft Snapshot

Printable client statements. Exported for invoiced roster entries.



1.By default, exported roster entries files are written to the RosterFiles sub-folder in the PRS Export Folder.  You can change the Export Folder location from the File Locations page of the PRS Options dialog (opened from the PRS Tools menu).
2.<cid> is the optional Company ID (set using the PRS Options command).
3.<mmdd> is the date the file was exported expressed as a two digit month number followed by a two digit day of month number (omitted from file name if the Include date in file names roster option is unchecked).
5.<invno> is the statement invoice number.
4.If the Include date in file names roster option is unchecked then _<mmdd> date is omitted from the file name.


For example, if the Export Folder is set to P:\prs_data\Export\ then the Roster Entries file exported on the 25th of May from company with ID 'FB' would export processed roster entries to a CSV file named P:\prs_data\Export\TimesheetFiles\RosterEntries_FB_0525.CSV.