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Document Search Tool

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The Document Search Tool (accessed from the Tools menu) uses indexes created by the PRS Document Indexer to perform high speed documentsearches for words and phrases. It also includes a query language for advanced searches.


To search document contents:


1.Select Document Search from the Tools menu.
2.Enter the words, phrase or query you want to search for in the Search for edit box.
3.Select the type of search from the Match drop-down list.
4.Press the Find Now button.



Search results are ranked with the highest scoring documents at the top of the list.
By default documents in the PRS Documents Folder are searched — you can search other locations, provided they have been indexed, by setting the Look in folder name (press the Browse button).
Your documents folder must first be indexed.
Indexed search results will only be as up to date as time the documents were last indexed.
To open a matched document press the adjacent Goto button in the Matched documents list.
If the matched document name is blue then the document is also linked to a Personnel record, you can go directly to the linked Personnel record by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the adjacent Goto button.
The default document folder is the Indexed Documents folder (set from the File Locations options page).