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Candidate Activity

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Vacancy activity is at the heart of the recruitment process. The PRS records, manages and reports vacancy activity from the Candidate activity sub-form on Page 2 of the Vacancies form.



Press the New Candidate button to add a candidate to the vacancy.
Press the Goto button next to the candidate name to edit the candidate's vacancy activity.
Press the Activity Manager button to view and manage all vacancy activity.
Candidate activity can also be manage per candidate using the Activity command on the Personnel form.
Candidate activity appears on Consultant Activity, Placements Analysis and Vacancies reports.


Here is the list of supported vacancy activities, two of which can be customised by the user:


Candidate Activity



Candidate has applied for job.


Candidate interviewed by recruitment consultant.

Resume out

Candidates resume dispatched to client.

Client interview

Client interviews candidate.

Ref checked

Candidate has been reference checked.

Job offer

Client makes job offer to candidate.


Candidate is rejected by client or recruitment consultant.


Candidate withdraws job application.

User defined 1

User defined 2

User defined 3

User defined 4

An activity whose role can be assigned by the user. You can set the name of this activity from the Appearance page of the PRS Options dialog.