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HTML Mail Signature Placeholders

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HTML Mail signature placeholder names are enclosed in curly brackets, when the message is sent they are replaced with the message body and user related information from the PRS database:





The mail message body. If this placeholder is not present in the signature the message body will be placed before the signature.


Your company name (from your Site record in the PRS database).


Your email address (from your Personnel record in the PRS database).


Your company fax number (from your Site record in the PRS database).


The Fax/Email field from your Personnel record in the PRS database (note 1).


Your first name (from your Personnel record in the PRS database).


Home phone number from your Personnel record in the PRS database (note 1).


Your last name (from your Personnel record in the PRS database).


This is the HTML <img> tag src attribute for the logo graphic. This placeholder only makes sense if the signature has a logo file is set  If this placeholder is not present in the signature and a logo file has been set then the logo will be placed at the end of the mail message.


Your mobile phone number (from your Personnel record in the PRS database).


Your first and last names (from your Personnel record in the PRS database).


Other phone number from your Personnel record in the PRS database (note 1).


Your business phone number (from your Personnel record in the PRS database or your Site record if you Business phone number is blank).


Your company phone number (from your Site record).


Your company postal address (from your Site record in the PRS database).


Your company street address (from your Site record in the PRS database).


Your job title (from your Personnel record in the PRS database).


Your website address (from your Site record in the PRS database).



1.The field is not HTML escaped prior to insertion in the template.
2.You should envelope the {body} placeholder with an HTML pre tag, for example <pre>{body}</pre>. This will allow the signature to work with both non-Markdown and Markdown formatted messages.