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1.Before you can enter or modify data on Personnel, Vacancies, Sites or Invoices forms you must unlock the form by pressing the Lock/Unlock button (or F4 or CTRL+L shortcut keys). The Lock/Unlock button is displayed with a red outline when the form is unlocked.
2.Use keyboard shortcuts.
3.Use the Goto buttons. In addition to database navigation they are used to send Email messages, open Web sites and dial phone numbers.
4.Many form-based controls pop up a 'control tip' when the mouse pointer is positioned over them. A control tip window contains a short description of the underlying control.
5.All drop-down lists have an auto-complete function, just start typing and the first matching item will be shown. Use this feature to avoid having to use the mouse to scroll through long drop-down lists.
6.Use the Edit->Find... menu command (CTRL+F) to find and optionally replace matching field values in form or datasheet view.
7.Use the Records->Quick Sort menu commands to sort continuous forms or datasheets by the current field.
8.Maximise the application and forms when using displays with limited screen size.
9.Exit the PRS before closing down and switching off your PC.
10.Use the Not available until field on the Personnel form to highlight at a glance when a contractor is next available or when the re-placement moratorium on a permanent candidate is still in place.
11.You can categorize recruitment consultants by using different occupations, for example Recruitment consultant (contract) could be used to produce reports relating to contract consultants. Consultant reports can be based on a specific occupation using the report dialog Occupation option.
12.Use the Document Management tools to mail drop a selection of candidates or clients with either a printed or Emailed document.