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Skills Lists

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All personnel, sites and vacancies can be assigned a list of skills.


Skills lists are used for:


Personnel, site and vacancies skill searches.
Cross matching personnel, sites and vacancies.
Implementing searchable custom attributes for personnel, sites and vacancies (these pseudo skills form an extremely powerful data categorisation technique).


The Personnel Skills list is a list of current skills that the candidate is willing to deploy (it is not a skill history). Personnel skills are searched when sites or vacancies are matched against candidates.


The Site Skills list is a list of current site skill usage and requirements. Site skills are searched when candidates or vacancies are matched against sites.


The Vacancies Skills list is the desired vacancy skill set. Vacancy skills are searched when candidates or sites are matched against vacancies.


Choose the set of available skills carefully, entries should be:


Mutually exclusive.
Well understood.
Industry specific


If these guidelines are followed the skills matching from Vacancies, Personnel and Sites forms will be much more effective.